Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Visit the Projects Gallery


Factory-built buildings are constructed in sections:

  • Superior Product

    While your building is under construction, the site works can already be well underway. With our five facilities located throughout Ontario, Senator Group can harness our resources to deliver a superior product saving you time which leads to significant monetary savings.



Sustainable • Durable • Adaptive • High Quality

green benefits
  • Reduced material use

    We use less building materials through our advanced framing, building techniques and approach to building construction. Our factory controlled process creates less material waste and reduced energy consumption compared to on-site construction.



Minimum risk exposure and maximum upside for any firm looking for factory-built solutions:

  • Experience

    Senator Group is the lead firm, but is not a single entity that is undertaking the design-build of your project. The experience of our staff represents a combined total of over 120 years. Our comprehensive organization can handle the size, complexity and breadth of any project.



We will build to your exacting requirements. We believe that our clients should be as much a part of the design process as possible to tailor the right solution to your specific needs.

Time Savings = Financial Savings

  • Reduced Construction Cost Financing
  • Faster Track To Occupancy and Project Revenue Generation
  • Faster Turnaround of Investment & Cash Flow
  • Faster Re-Deployment of Resources & Reduced Risk


Construction News

Housing Insight: From Bust to Boom

Many thought it would take years to overcome deficits in home building, but with luck, it is already happening.

By Evan Lancaster

It has been a long, hard voyage to arrive at this point of regrowth in the home building industry. Now, as the economy continues to stabilize, builder confidence is growing exponentially, home building is thriving and it...


Event Spotlight » Materials and Innovation at BIO 23 Ljubljana

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by Abigail Doan
The BIO biennial in Ljubljana has been highlighting contemporary trends in international design for close to fifty years now, but not everyone on the global circuit might be aware of the diverse talent that has been showcased since the first exhibition in 1964. Slovenia's Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) is the biennial's...


Dwellings » Up and Away

Dwellings » Up and Away
by Erika Heet
Working with a limited footprint, a daunting slope, and killer views, architect Bruce Bolander went vertical with a secluded canyon house in Malibu.
Dwellings » Up and AwayDwellings » Up and AwayDwellings » Up and AwayDwellings » Up and AwayDwellings » Up and Away...


Finishing Touch » 'Design Is One' at the Architecture and Design Film Festival

massimo and lella vignelli portrait rectangle
by Sara Carpenter
The Architecture and Design Film Festival kicked off in New York at the Tribeca Cinemas with the world premiere of Design Is One, a film about the legendary design duo of Massimo and Lella Vignelli. Filmmakers Kathy Brew and Roberto Guerra's retrospective of the Vignelli's union and career covers a spans a vast array of material,...


Profile » New Nordic

Profile » New Nordic
by Jaime Gillin
Make way, Arne and Eero. Forward-looking furniture company Muuto turns the spotlight on 21st-century Scandinavian design.
Profile » New NordicProfile » New NordicProfile » New NordicProfile » New NordicProfile » New Nordic...


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