The following "Green" benefits result from our design and construction methodology:
Sustainalble • Durable • Adaptive • High Quality • Low Maintenance
Time savings
Construction takes place in our facility as site preparation occurs, with no weather delays, and manufacturing is systematic taking much less time than conventional construction. From design, construction, delivery, set-up and handover, we follow a critical path of project timelines that can reduce overall project schedules by 50% over conventional building methods. These time savings have a direct impact which can greatly limit energy and resource waste;
Reduced site disruption
Buildings are transported to and assembled on-site with minimal site duration and disruption resulting in reduced noise pollution and community disruption;
Reduced material use
We use less building materials through our advanced framing, building techniques and approach to building construction. Our factory controlled process creates less material waste and reduced energy consumption compared to on-site construction;
Recycling, reduction and management of construction waste
Any generated waste at our plant is properly segregated and applicable materials are recycled leading to better waste management protocols compared to on-site operations. We also use VOC free materials;
Sustainable material use
We use innovative composite framing materials such as engineered joists, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete, SIP (structural insulated panel) systems and light-gauge steel creating less of a burden on slower, renewable resources;
Local use
We are always aware to incorporate locally available labour and building materials (i.e. masonry supplies, recycled aggregate from demolition of existing site work or structure or locally sourced) to reduce travel distance and the carbon impact;
A major environmental issue associated with on-site construction is concrete form oil which flows into and contaminates the ground once it satisfies its purpose. Preformed, precast concrete which we produce eliminates this contamination problem as it is recovered and recycled at our facility. We also batch our own plant concrete creating a locally produced resource;
Less vehicle movement
There is less vehicle movement/mileage as compared to on-site construction and less trade movement means less environmental pollution;
Adaptive reuse
Recycling of existing buildings for new uses. Our portable and semi-permanent buildings are easy to relocate, expand and repurpose. Repurposing is a critical green factor;
High quality construction and performance
Our factory-built process ensures an extremely well-insulated structure that minimizes heat gain and loss leading to greater energy efficiency. All construction meets CSA or certified engineered quality control requirements;
Storm water management
Off-site construction itself mitigates environmental impacts of on- site construction related siltation of surrounding streams or drainage systems during heavy rains;
Indoor environmental quality/healthy buildings
We protect building materials from rain preventing mould growth. Our innovative concrete structures and wall and ceiling assemblies mitigate impact sound and air-born sound transmission between units.