Tuesday, December 06, 2022

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Factory-built buildings are constructed in sections:

  • Superior Product

    While your building is under construction, the site works can already be well underway. With our five facilities located throughout Ontario, Senator Group can harness our resources to deliver a superior product saving you time which leads to significant monetary savings.



Sustainable • Durable • Adaptive • High Quality

green benefits
  • Reduced material use

    We use less building materials through our advanced framing, building techniques and approach to building construction. Our factory controlled process creates less material waste and reduced energy consumption compared to on-site construction.



Minimum risk exposure and maximum upside for any firm looking for factory-built solutions:

  • Experience

    Senator Group is the lead firm, but is not a single entity that is undertaking the design-build of your project. The experience of our staff represents a combined total of over 120 years. Our comprehensive organization can handle the size, complexity and breadth of any project.



We will build to your exacting requirements. We believe that our clients should be as much a part of the design process as possible to tailor the right solution to your specific needs.

Time Savings = Financial Savings

  • Reduced Construction Cost Financing
  • Faster Track To Occupancy and Project Revenue Generation
  • Faster Turnaround of Investment & Cash Flow
  • Faster Re-Deployment of Resources & Reduced Risk


Construction News

Blog » The Windows Have It

Blog » The Windows Have It
by Sara Ost
From classic, cool glass swaths to a glowing semi-opaque wall to a crowning oculus of light, we've rounded up a selection of some of the most distinctive and diverse windows from homes featured in Dwell.
Blog » The Windows Have ItBlog » The Windows Have ItBlog » The Windows Have ItBlog » The Windows Have ItBlog » The Windows Have It...


Event Spotlight » The Space Beside the Skate Park

architecture for humanity urban web rectangle
by Emily Nonko
Architecture for Humanity installed a pop up in New York City for two weeks, creating an unlikely plaza next to a skate park and underneath the Manhattan Bridge. Called The Urban Web, it's a sensory, geometric, and eye catching design that draws residents into a space they'd otherwise overlook—one overshadowed by the bustling...


Blog » A Modernist Click Through Remodelista

modern kitchen with black cabinets
by Alessia Piccinini
If you caught our interview with Remodelista co-founder Sarah Lonsdale earlier this year, you already know we're fans of the home design blog dedicated to comfortable interiors with a rustic touch. From time to time, we like to highlight blogs worth perusing, so check out four of our favorite recent Remodelista stories, from a...


Backstory » Mini Apartments and Next-Wave Prefab, Part 3

by Jaime Gillin
This blog series profiles a new prefab development in San Francisco's SOMA neighborhood—a LEED Platinum-targeted building containing 23 "micro-studios." Built in a California factory in a month and assembled on-site in just four days, these 300-square-foot units are paving the path to a new approach to...


Bookshelf » Made in Japan: 100 New Products

Bookshelf » Made in Japan: 100 New Products
by Olivia Martin
Dwell contributor Naomi Pollock, who wrote "All Wrapped Up" in our Small World issue now on newsstands, recently came out with her fourth book, Made in Japan: 100 New Products from Merrell Publishers. Pollock felt that given the popularity of Japanese products, there should be a book on the subject. “As an...


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